Pulsed laser deposition


Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) allows deposition of thin films from stoichiometric complex materials. Typically these are complex oxides, such as high-temperature superconductors or colossal magnetoresistance materials. The high energy UV laser pulse evaporated all the atoms from the target immediately and they condense onto a substrate, which can be heated to obtain epitaxial films on single crystal substrates a few centimeters away. The deposition is usually done under low pressure flowing gas, e.g. oxygen or argon.

For more information, contact Hannu Huhtinen.


  • 308 nm excimer laser with 150 mJ pulses
  • Substrate temperature up to 1100 °C
  • Maximum sample size 1 x 1 cm2

For more information, contact Hannu Huhtinen.