Thermal analysis
TA Instruments Q600 SDT, simultaneous TGA-DSC
This device measures both the weight of the sample as well as the heat flow from and to the sample either during heating/cooling or isothermally.
The TG method can be used e.g. for determination of moisture content, determination of purity, study of drying, study of binding processes, research of firing, determination of thermal stability, vaporization studies, and kinetic studies.
DSC can be used e.g. for determination of melting points, investigation of material purities, determination of reaction enthalpies, determination of specific heats, study of reaction kinetics, investigation of heat resistance, study of phase changes, and research of oxidation and reduction.
For more information, contact Mika Lastusaari.
- Temperature range: room temperature to 1500 oC.
- Available gases: air and nitrogen.
- Typical heating rates: 1 to 20 oC/min.
- Typical sample cup volume: 30 μl.
- Typical sample weight: 10 mg.
For more information, contact Mika Lastusaari.

PerkinElmer Pyris Diamond DSC
For more information, contact Ermei Mäkilä
- Temperature range: -50 °C to 700 °C
- Available gases: Nitrogen, synthetic air and helium
- Heating rates: 1 °C/min to 500 °C/min, cooling rates: 1 °C/min to 50 °C/min
- Modulated temperature ramps (StepScan DSC)
- Regular aluminium sample pans with volumes of 10, 30 and 50 µL. Hermetically sealed or ventilated
- Typical sample weight: 1 to 5 mg.
PerkinElmer TGA-7 thermogravimeter
For more information, contact Ermei Mäkilä
- Temperature range: room temperature to 1000 °C
- Purge gases: Nitrogen, synthetic air, helium
- Typical heating rates: 1 to 50 oC/min
- Platinum sample crucible, volume ca. 30 µL
- Typical sample weight: 1-10 mg.
PerkinElmer STA-6000 simultaenous TGA-DSC
For more information, contact Ermei Mäkilä
- Temperature range: room temperature to 1000 °C
- Purge gases: Nitrogen, synthetic air
- Typical heating rates: 1 to 50 oC/min
- Platinum or alumina sample crucibles, volume ca. 50 µL
- Typical sample weight: 5-10 mg.