Scanning electrochemical microscope

Scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM) is a scanning probe technique that enables investigation of the electrochemical response of a surface. The probe is typically a microelectrode with 10-25 um diameter. This SECM system was assembled with the assistance of Prof. Gunther Wittstock, University of Oldenburg, Germany, utilizing MechOnics micro positioning system MS30 with XYZ translation of 30 mm with piezo inertial drive. Position is measured with +/- 1 um accuracy and 50 nm resolutionby PS30. System includes also a tilt table to allow leveling of the substrate. The system includes the preparation and and polishing equipment for Pt microelectrodes with 10-25 um diameter, with a pipette puller.

For more information, contact Mikael Nyberg.


For more information, contact Mikael Nyberg.