Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)
Scienta Omicron multi-instrument vacuum unit
Scienta Omicron is a scanning tunneling microscope for room temperature measurements. It gives atomic scale information about surface properties, also from surface defects, which are harmful to surface passivation.This setup includes an Ar-ion sputtering to clean a sample surface and a diffraction (LEED) instrument to study crystal structure of surfaces if a surface is crystalline or amorphous. Also, the spectroscopy mode (STS) allows measuring of the electronic structure of surfaces.
For more information, contact Pekka Laukkanen.
- Room temperature measurements
- Background pressure in ultrahigh vacuum range, 10-10 mbar.
- Suitable samples: solid plates (6 mm x 12 mm), or material which can be attached on the plate
- Includes LEED and STS
For more information, contact Pekka Laukkanen.
Scienta Omicron room temperature and low-T multi-instrument vacuum unit
Scienta Omicron for room temperature and low-T (until 12 K) STM measurements. Includes Ar-ion sputtering tool to clean a sample surface and a diffraction (LEED) instrument to study crystal structure of surfaces if a surface is crystalline or amorphous and what is he crystal lattice. Also, spectroscopy mode (STS) to measure electronic structure of surfaces is included.
For more information, contact Pekka Laukkanen.
- Background pressure in ultrahigh vacuum range, 10-10 mbar.
- Suitable samples: solid plates (6 mm x 12 mm), or if studied material can be attached on the plate.
- Includes STS amd LEED
For more information, contact Pekka Laukkanen.